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How to Make Resin Art for Beginners?

Resin art is quite easy as opposed to how it sounds. You have indeed come to the right place to learn the basics of resin and beginner techniques of resin art. The thing about resin art is that it not only requires patience but also a bit of technical knowledge, which we shall cover in this blog. Although it feels new to a lot of people, it is practiced quite a lot by many artists. Interestingly, many have explored the technique to create decorative products and accessories which have become a charm in the art market. Moreover, can you even imagine furnishing products in resin? Yes, the amazing center and dining tables in resin are absolutely durable and charming.

Have you ever seen a sculptor making a fiber sculpture? Yes, the fiber process involves a two-solvent solution, which includes a resin and hardener. Similarly, the process of art resin also requires a form of clear resin and a hardener, which are mixed proportionately. But yes, there has to be a certain quantity that one needs to judge and analyze. Don’t worry it is not a great deal of maths. Artists generally become experts in their judgments and create a perfect ratio for their resin paintings. So, it is by time, and consistent practice you can create some of the wonderful and exemplary DIY resin artworks and acrylic resin paintings.

You can also assist an expert resin artist to understand and train in the accurate process. Training under a senior artist is always beneficial in realizing some of the tricks and possible nuances that could help solve several working problems.

A beginner may ask a few questions depending on his/her knowledge of the artistic practice. These include: can I learn resin art? Yes, resin art could be a process of technique everybody can learn. What do you need to learn about resin art? How long will it take to become an expert? Can I sell the resin art products? Where can I buy the epoxy resin and other stuff? Well, we shall indulge in only basics and fundamentals, but we shall surely shed some light on the advanced products to keep you motivated and inspired.

Let us answer all your questions one by one at the end. Since this blog specifically addresses beginners, we shall provide several common questions and answers. These questions which are likely to come up, we thought it will be a good idea to provide simple answers to them instead of complicating with several options. Before that let us understand what resin is, how to do resin art, the Material required, and how to do a painting on resin layers, among several other factors.

What is Resin?

Resin is naturally found in plants. It is a sticky and semi-liquid substance. Resin has medicinal properties, warding off insects and parasites. It has therapeutic properties, too. Today, technicians have made synthetic resin for several purposes, functional and decorative. This synthetic resin is called epoxy resin or plain resin.

The solution of epoxy resin is made using two solvents: resin and hardener. The mixture of the epoxy resin is made with an equal proportion of resin harder. The ratio is 1: 1, which is extremely significant. However, if you wish to dry the mixture quicker, you will have to concrete the portion of the hardener. But it is not recommended for artwork, as the surface texture may vary. The rough surface, unless desired, may not be so conducive to paint.

There are several qualities of resin available in the market. As a beginner, you can enquire about the variety with some senior artist or the manufacturer. One tip for beginners, you can use a low-quality resin for your practice but if you intend to sell it professionally then make sure you choose high-quality material. Good resin is advisable for sustainable products.

How to do Resin Art?

There is no specific method for creating Art, right? Art is personal as well as global. It can be a product of sheer spontaneous acts and could also be planned and executed meticulously. It totally depends on the artist and the design or the sketch. But what we shall understand is the accurate technique of Resin art or how to use resin for art efficiently! Once you know the tricks and tips of art in resin, your resin artwork will be more and more precise and perfect.

In Resin, many things become essential and significant as the process moves forward. For the same, your material, tools, and equipment should be first available and in place. And the most important thing: step by step process. So let's first understand the table setup, material, and tools necessary for being all prepped for resin painting.

Material and tools for Resin art

Why are materials and tools so important for epoxy art? Epoxy resin is a sticky substance and the process could be unmanageable. Hence, a variety of protective tools and methods may keep you at bay from increasing shabbiness, confusion, and stress. Moreover, resin fumes may be allergic and toxic over a period of longer duration. Hence, protective gear is essential. Depending on the personality, an artist would brace a variety of protection from gloves to PPE to goggles to helmets, too in some cases. Sounds funny but it could be necessary for large-scale projects if that's the case.

Artists over time also understand what part of their body requires the maximum protection depending on their way, habit and method. Some of the essential protective gear comprises,

Nitrile gloves, goggles,PPE, resin painting, paint brushes, several different colors of acrylic paints and water holder on the wooden table

Nitrile gloves: Resin generally makes our hands super-dirty, which takes days to clean. Hence, gloves are extremely essential. Try and use nitrile gloves as they are durable and could run for several months. Keep multiple pairs of them, depending on the step of the resin art.

Goggles: Goggles are important because the resin is toxic and it could be harmful if epoxy splashes on your face. Use good quality goggles, especially during pouring and sanding.

PPE: A lot of artists opt for PPE instead of an apron. PPE makes the coverage of your body much easier. Not only your clothes are safe from sticky epoxy but also bare skin could be spared from the litter.

Plastic sheets: Before you start working, cover your table with plastic sheets. Use some form of the strong sheet to place all your materials. Avoid the ones that form creases otherwise, it would create a lot of confusion. At the same time, make sure that it sustains for a long time since epoxy art cannot be done in a day! Sometimes it takes months to finish one art piece.

Measuring scale or containers: Resin art depends on the right proportion and portions. The processes require accurate measures of resin and hardener. The viscosity of the mixture may not be conducive to painting if the proportion of resin and hardener is not correct.

Well-ventilated space: You need an open space or a closed room with good ventilation. Keep your windows and doors open. Resin fumes are toxic and ventilation is necessary to release the fumes, keeping the atmosphere fresh and ventilated.

The other necessary stuff is pigments, glitter, inks, stones, Moulds, Measuring scales or jugs, Jugs, spatulas, stirrers, cups for mixing, and something that covers your creations during curing.

With respect to material, you will need acrylic paints, paintbrushes, molds ( if necessary), rags, water containers, and àdditives, among other glitters to insert in your art piece. Choose a clean space, as it is very complicated to clear our dust and specks.

Process of Resin Art

Resin art or 3D resin painting involves several layers of epoxy. Each layer may entitle an act of painting, which is according to the plan or design. Hence, the entire process of resin art is based on layers, which requires patience, time, and good-quality material. Do not compromise on the material. It may produce unexpected results, which may not be likable. Hence, you may not only lose the durability of the product but also clients! The resin painting method consists of four main processes. These include pouring, popping the bubbles using a heat gun, curing, painting, and again re-pouring. This may sound quite easy but the repouring and painting repeat multiple times.


As the name sounds, it is the basic and fundamental step. But before pouring the solution, prepare your table and the wooden crest or the PVC base. Pouring could be risky if you do not handle the mixture carefully. Spread the mixture in the crest by tilting it on all the sides. And remember the viscosity of the solution will be perfect if the proportion of resin and hardener is accurate. Pouring may be the first step to resin art but the most important one is setting up the essential material and tools and setup before starting the work.

Popping the bubbles

So when you pour the resin solution into the crest, there is a likelihood of the development of air sacs. These air gaps or sacs are not conducive to the resin layers. It could create cracks. Or it may hurt the paintbrush or disturb your sketch. These popping bubbles need to be straightened by a heat gun before the solution dries. If you leave it, then the bubbles may be visible, which is not a cool idea and it may cause cracks. Artists use a heat gun or blow torches to pop these bubbles. Use a raking light to find the minute bubbles and gently eliminate them one by one.


Resin solution requires an amount of time to dry. Hence, Curing is an important step in the art of 3d resin painting. Once the pouring is finished and all the bubbles are evicted, it takes around 7 to 8 hours for the resin to completely dry and that too at room temperature. It feels just nearly stone-hard. To make it quick, some artists heat it. Let me tell you something, this is not a favorable idea. Curing is more effective when it is naturally done instead of doing it artificially.


Once the resin slab is ready, be ready to either trace or draw your sketch. Spontaneous figurative or abstract or any decorative design could also work. Acrylic colors are suitable more than any other medium. Not only do they dry quickly but also adhere to the resin surface effectively. You do not need to finish your painting in the first layer itself. Ideate a sketch where you can paint in multiple layers. The final outcome will provide an impressive play of interspersing layers, creating a beautiful three-dimensional effect.


After all the layers of the painting are done, an artist repours resin solutions to protect the entire creation. Repouring adds a stunning layer of luminosity. Repouring sort of help in rectifying the problems or mistakes.

Although the blog introduces the basic procedure of resin art, a beginner may have innumerable questions, from basic to complicated. You can let us know your doubts if it has not been covered below. A lot of doubts could be cleared with consistent practice. However, beginners cannot resist their doubts when exploring a new field.

Beginner Doubts

You can buy epoxy resin from the local store, which you can either google or get the address from the expert artist. The resin art products could be sold through various online and offline avenues.

Can a non-artist practice resin art?

Yes, absolutely. You don't need to possess an art degree to become a resin artist. Yes, but if you are an artist, it is an advantage. But creativity is not based on academics. Learn and excel in the technique and you will automatically create some stunning pieces over time.

Is Resin Art Expensive?

Resin art materials and tools are expensive. However, once you invest in them, you don't need to buy them again and again except for the resin and hardener. Also, that is why resin artifacts and products are a bit on the expensive side for a collector or a buyer.

What kinds of bases are best for resin art?

Wood, Glass, Metal, Plexiglass, and acrylic are suitable bases. Do not choose a surface that is porous or absorbing. Never use a canvas. They sag and cannot sustain. Always prepare a sturdy base because the dried resin is quite heavy and could break a weaker base.

How do you know the quantity of resin required for an artwork?

The quantity of resin totally depends on the size of the artifact. Some websites have measuring methods, which could be helpful. However, initially, you might waste or make more and end up wasting or you might need to make more. But as you practice more, you will have better judgment.

What kinds of dyes or colors are good for art in resin?

Acrylic colors are essential for painting surfaces. Ans, powder pigments are great o making dyes. Any form of inks or spray is also suitable for the resin surface. Do not mix water with resin. Water creates a cloudy appearance.

A series of following blogs shall cover several ideas in resin artwork for beginners and advanced. Keep up your practice and follow our expert advice.

1 commentaire

Tanuja Lakhamade
Tanuja Lakhamade
02 avr. 2023

Thank you so much for your guidance...the article was really helpful....I am fond of making resin arts. I recently bought a diy kit for resin art. I'll drop the link here for reference.


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